Kotter’s Principles for Supporting Change Management in institutions

التغيير في المنشأة

Every institution goes through multiple stages of change, as change is an integral part of business dynamics. This necessitates the introduction of new strategies and the reassessment of previous plans, sometimes requiring complete abandonment. This reality underscores the importance of effectively addressing risks and challenges as part of the continuous evolution of the institution. According […]

Management in the Era of Transformation: New Strategies for Achieving Sustainability and Growth


Given that technological advancements, shifting workforce dynamics, and the growing need for sustainability are not just trends but fundamental shifts rearranging the operational methodology of enterprises in today’s advanced business world, it becomes evident that the only constant in business practice is change or transformation. As we stand on the brink of a new era, […]

Change and Innovation: How to Build an Innovative Management Culture for Your Institution?


Apple is known for producing a variety of consumer technology devices and products, which makes you wonder: What is the purpose of the change and innovation pursued by the world’s leading company in development? The response is straightforward: Apple’s core business is producing cutting-edge goods. Every time it develops a new product, it is more […]

Strategic Management Update: How to Navigate Turbulence and Achieve Success?

تتجاوز التقلبات وتحقق النجاح؟

Based on data released by the statistics centre, we have arrived at the shocking finding that, within the first five years of their founding, almost half of the businesses will close or declare bankruptcy. In today’s world, characterised by fierce rivalry as well as rapid and constant change, relying on traditional processes and technology is […]

The role of the P3M3 model in developing change capabilities in your organisation:

RFQ P3M3 Response Template Feb2021 e1625799395935

With increasing demand for project management in both the public and private sectors, developing capabilities and improving performance becomes essential to ensure project success and goal achievement. The P3M3 model provides a global framework for measuring process maturity in project, program, and portfolio management, allowing organisations to identify strengths and weaknesses and pinpoint areas needing […]

Management consulting is a strategic transformation that goes beyond the meaning of advice

15 ene caja rural central crc internacionalizacion empresa min

Consulting firms and management consulting agencies receive billions of dollars for their services, reflecting the growing demand for expertise and advice in the field of business management. However, these firms offer more than just simple advice; they provide a comprehensive range of services to meet clients’ needs and achieve their goals. Consultants and specialized consultants […]

Ways to enhance stakeholder engagement within the facility

أصحاب المصلحة في المنشأة - stakeholder | - Synexcell سينكسيل للاستشارات الادارية

In the midst of intense competition and rapid developments in the business world, the challenge of continually enhancing communication and fostering participation among facility members remains ever-present. Integration and coordination among stakeholders are an absolute necessity for achieving sustainable success. If you are seeking innovative and inspirational methods to promote this interaction and communication, you […]

Quality Management Impact on the Facilities Performance

إدارة الجودة - Quality Management | سينكسيل للاستشارات الادارية | Synexcell

In today’s business world, and in light of the enormous competitive superiority that commercial markets are currently experiencing, an essential element that contributes to the success of establishments at various levels through a comprehensive and integrated culture bridge that moves toward further progress, development, and improvement at the facility level, including employees, is required. And […]

Corporate governance, components and objectives

Project Management Methodologies min00

The global economic recession and administrative and financial corruption contributed to economic collapses that affected local and international institutions. Researchers, administrators, and economists have been looking for policies and principles that help achieve the institutions’ goals for their business correctly, like enhancing access to capital and assisting the institution to continue in business. Working in […]